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New school complex in Bevagna

Type: International competition

Location: Bevagna, Umbria (IT)

Year: 2020

Design: Litote (Architecture), Ing. Andrea De Santi (MEP and Sustainability), Ing. Luca Bellotti (Structure)

Budget: 4.200.000 €

Area: 4000 sqm

The New School Complex "Sant’Anna" assumes the key role of representing the public institution, and becomes a new landmark for local communities and beyond. The proposed project is conceived as an architecture that springs from the territory and seeks to enhance its particularities and uniqueness: the volumes that make up the school complex appear therefore as a natural continuation of the landscape, integrating within the slope and following its orography. The ambition of the project is to promote a new opening to the territory and the community, configuring itself as a civic center that is attractive, dynamic, and vital at any time of day. No longer a "limited hours" building, but a social incubator capable of involving citizens by encouraging and supporting forms of social and cultural aggregation. An open, dynamic and inclusive system, centered on the sharing of spaces and ideas, on the creation of relationships and connections between people, on the education of the little human being to the life that wait outside the school..



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